Brain Based Teaching

This workshop provides an overview of neuro-issues to date, overarching concepts for applying the research, and several fundamental strategies that can be adapted for use with any age and/or subject matter. Specifically targeted is the question: “How do I frame existing lessons so that all learners become engaged in learning?” The goals are to engage all learners simultaneously; to cause learners to do the work (processing) of learning; and to create multiple connections with respect to the important ideas being taught.

Changing Mindsets: Movies of the Mind

Developing Responsible Behaviors People learn, act out, disrupt, etc. as a result of the internal movies playing continuously in the mind. These movies generate attitudes and behaviors. Teachers encounter them daily. Changing behaviors (attitudes/choices), long term, through the “Movies of the Mind” can be done.

Memory, Recall & the Brain: Bi-modal (Verbal/Visual) Memory

The conscious mind works primarily in image and emotion (meaning). Nonlinguistic or VISUAL Representations (NLRs) are reported in the research to generate an overall increase of 26% in student performance outcomes. More poignant are visual-verbal combinations—or “bimodal” packets that learners can form while engaging new material.

Linking Teacher Practice Directly to Student Achievement: Timely, Diagnostic “Local” Data

One of the most powerful factors in student learning is feedback. Research studies report between 21% and 41% impact on student achievement outcomes– when used with certain criteria. The questions are: What feedback? How soon? How much? In what format? Data that is diagnostically useful to educators (and to students for feedback purposes) must be available now–about the skill or objective of focus for today’s instruction.

The Gifted Brain: What Neuroscience Research Offers

Brain research tells us that learning results from active mental processing that involves stored memory, context and meaning (a la the learner). The literature also points to processing speed, chemical processes, myelination, heritability, environment, and best educational practices for both memory formation and recall. Among many facets still under scrutiny, these all play a role for highly able or talented students. This presentation will look at recent literature and research regarding intelligence, creativity and talent ~ and implications for engaging those with increased processing speeds and conceptual transference.
